Monday, March 12, 2007

Health Check and Fatherhood Scale

This morning Samantha and I made the 10 minute walk to Baden Powell Maternity Health Clinic for Isaac's 4 week check up. FOUR WEEKS!!! I can't really get my mind around that! Where'd the last four weeks go?

Anyhoo, Isaac is the picture of good health, smack-bang in the 50th percentile of weight and length (it's not height yet I guess until he can stand on his own two feet). He put on over 500grams of weight in the last two weeks, making the Maternal Health nurse very happy.

Patrick will have a chicken pox vaccination on Friday and then we need to go back to finish the paperwork and make sure the vaccination registry has Patrick's full details. Then we should get the $200 vaccination bonus from Mr Howard, thanks for asking.


How do I rate as a father? What is fatherhood really about? If I was to develop a "healthy fatherhood" scale, what would be the determining factors?
Child Care (changing nappies, spending time with child/ren, getting up in middle of night to attend to screaming baby/wife)

Domestic Assistance (washing the million nappies dirtied today, hanging them out, folding them (no need for the iron), house keeping, shopping, tidying up the 2 year-olds mess - and mine)

Husbandliness (checking in on wife, making conversation to keep relationship alive, reminding each other of how we had the baby in the first place - be careful when full breastfeeding stops)

Personal Health (exercise, good eating, renewing myself - books, podcasts, personal coach)

Child Relational Health (how am I developing a positive and unique relationship with each child?, do I spend time with each that is not being distracted by above activities?, do I know/understand their concerns at this time?, how am I preparing myself for their next steps as a person?)

Other factors?

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